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Operational planning process - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

Опубликовано: 16.04.2018

видео operational planning process - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Implementing partners and operational partners still need to be more substantively engaged in all phases of the operational planning process.

In order for the operational planning process for any peacekeeping operation to be successful, political planning should be of utmost importance, since what is at stake is not the planning per se, but what to plan for.

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Для обеспечения успеха процесса оперативного планирования любой миротворческой операции первостепенное значение должно иметь политическое планирование, поскольку в данном контексте важно не само планирование, а то, что именно планируется.

For example, the consultants noted that the Headquarters' operational planning process is not nearly as effective as it could be.

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The precise modalities of deployment of the European force will also be specified during the operational planning process.

UNOCI initiated its first full strategic and operational planning process in May 2007 by establishing an integrated mission planning team.

Those operations can each include multiple locations visited by a senior United Nations official, and each location requires the application of the operational planning process.

Каждая из ее операций может охватывать многочисленные пункты, посещаемые тем или иным старшим должностным лицом Организации Объединенных Наций, и в каждом таком месте требуется осуществлять процесс оперативного планирования .

He noted that ITC was committed to establishing a rolling, detailed medium-term and annual operational planning process and a management information system for all ITC services.

If the Security Council is to achieve its political and strategic objectives at the operational level, it must review its entire operational planning process.

Если Совет Безопасности хочет добиться своих политических и стратегических целей на оперативном уровне, он должен пересмотреть весь процесс планирования операций .

Last January, in the Council, NAM expressed the view that the operational planning process deserves sustained attention and called for rethinking it to ensure coherence in vision, goals and objectives.
